Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Make the most of it.

Someone told me a few days ago “make the most of it” . It is important to live life to the fullest. Life is beautiful and has a lot to offer. Every moment has something to share. Share with ur moment and enjoy the bliss of its company. Its so important to to be there in it all. When u feel u are by urself it actually means that u have the time and oppurtunity to be aware of everything ur senses are living. Thats what they are made for , for u to listen carefully what nature has to offer, see how beautiful and serene a moment is in itself, feel the cool of the envirnment, taste the completeness of ur existence, smell the life thats thriving in every bit u can imagine! Is this meditation? This is the state one needs to be in… where u can utilize ur senses to their valuable extent, where they don’t deceive u with illusions as ur mind designs. Real is the creation, the constant process of change of flow of energy. Visions change as does experience. Memory is only for fondness of the experience. It probably came into existence as life felt the need to hold in as it started losing the ability to appreciate the reality of every moment. Coz theres all in each and never none, if u mesmerize in the right way. Its all created by energy which is flowing based on direction u chose to give it. If u let it be, it can stabilize into a complete resonance of ur essential existence which in turn is one with the rest. Being upset can be as simple as a wave treaded away from the stability by u urself. Do u wanna do so? Sure why not ? As it creates equal pleasure as much as sorrow. U just have to remember that the two complement each other and that ur senses need to be no more than aware of both. The more there is indulgence the more chaotic it shall appear. Just remember whatever it is its just a distance away from the resonance and will become one when u let it be! And although the pleasures experienced by the senses including the emotions can be exceptional in their own moments around ur energy, the largest dimension and wavelength is the experience with the resonance.

Also the emotion of being alive is merely a little fragment of what the senses are capable of bringing altogether. To exclaim it correctly on behalf of the complete, the mankind often lives in this only little feeble fragment, trying to create infinite dimensions which are however very low in energy, whether good or bad, fun or boredom, happiness or sorrow, liveliness or dead, euphoric or depressed, joy or sadness, desire or satisfaction - being so far from reality, they are feeble in existence hence do not last.

That is why when u feel fatigued, tired and bored u are actually catering to ur sensing of low energy when for fact the environment around u has so much more to exchange and keep u in the higher levels of energy all the time. If only we could stop being in the little and be a part of the whole. How can we change this sense of low energy? By drinking tea or coffee or hanging out with more energetic friends or be cool or not work around depressed or depressing people? No, this is only playing around what u are keeping urself at. It has nothing to do with other people’s level of exchange. Because, u have to remember life has a lot more in it than just the rest of the people. And if u direct ur energy exchange from not only the matter but the actual energy flow in ur environment, u will realize that earlier u were looking at the wrong levels expecting to get ur flow going. Tea coffee can only move some matter insde u and change ur state in a feeble way for some moments and then comes the trough again. Same is the case with the emotions around other people. Looking at the wrong stuff. What u need to do is enable urself to look feel hear smell taste emote, not the excess of any form of indulgence or desire to bring u the feeble pleasure, but the energy around u so as to resonate with the permanent

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